Well I hate to do "biography" posts 2 weeks in a row, but I'm severely short on time today so I apologize...
On to llama #16, Autumn Hill's Catlinite.
Catlinite at 1 month of age. |
If you happened to read last week's llama biography post, you may be having a deja-vu moment. Catlinite is almost a perfect twin to Catalina!
Catlinite at 2 weeks of age. Catalina is right behind him. |
Catlinite was born to SHAG Cattera in October 2004. His sire is SHAG Guido.
SHAG Cattera, Catlinite's dam. |
SHAG Guido, Catlinite's sire. |
Catlinite's birth was quite the show...both of my grandmothers were over at my parents' house for dinner on a Sunday afternoon, when Cattera decided to give birth. So the whole family (minus me, but I don't remember where I was) got to see this little guy be born!
Newborn Catlinite! |
Even though he shares a lot of physical similarities with his many half-siblings, Catlinite has one unique point...he was the first Cattera baby that I ever trained! Cattera was originally my sister's llama, and thus my sister trained most of Cattera's babies for 4-H. By the time Catlinite came along, my sister wasn't as involved in 4-H, so he became my project for 2005. He was also the first male I had shown in 4-H.
He had a great set of hooked ears! |
Quite the good-looking guy! |
We had quite the interesting show season. He never placed great in halter, but he was passable at performance. And we had an awesome costume (he was a sled dog, and even pulled a sled!) for the 4-H fair. Unfortunately I don't have a picture on my computer...
Catlinite and I at the 2005 Western Ohio Triple Crown. |
Catlinite and I at the 2005 Hillsdale Hobo Show. |
Catlinite sold in the fall of 2005 to an alpaca farm in Ohio. He later found a new home with his half-sister Cataleya in New Mexico!
Catlinite with Cattera, winter 2004/2005. |
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